Ghana AIDS Commission

The key issue facing health services in developing nations is their remoteness. Access to disease information, data for decision-making and the ability to deliver service are all limited. VIA’s mobile technology solutions provided a solution to address all of these issues.

Our Impact:

  • Developed a comprehensive strategy for the design of an Integrated Health Informatics Solution (GIHIS) for Ghana supported by mobile technology.
  • Created a robust framework for scaling up Ghana’s capacity to collect, store, analyze, and use high-quality data essential to rapid response, decision-making, and HIV monitoring and prevention.
  • Demonstrated to multiple stakeholders in Ghana the ability to capture and transmit life-saving health information in real time utilizing mobile devices.
  • Participated in monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) workshops to bridge the gap on how mobile technology can be integrated into existing M&E concepts, approaches, and methods and programs.